Get Rid of Active Acne and Reduce Acne Scars – With the Speed of Light
A Clear Choice for Radiant, Blemish-Free Skin
INDICATIONS: Mild to moderate inflammatory and pustular inflammatory acne vulgaris.
Complement your face’s clear and youthful appearance with skin revitalization for your entire body. ForeverBody™ is the fastest way to treat pigment, sun damage and troublesome age spots across your body. Treat your arms, legs, chest, shoulders, and more!
Fast, Comfortable, and Effective
Forever Clear BBL™ destroys acne-causing bacteria, reduces inflammation and redness, and makes way for clear, healthy skin. Offer patients an alternative to expensive creams and medicine with undesired side effects. Forever Clear BBL is fast, comfortable and non-invasive — with visible results after just one treatment, with no patient downtime.
With the unique interchangeable Smart Filters™, Forever Clear BBL combines several wavelengths into a three-step acne treatment not available on other IPL devices.